Saturday, May 02, 2009

Taking Ownership

Thomas Jefferson said,"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." As I study history, the truth of this statement is confirmed, and Oliver Van DeMille suggests that because of this, nothing less than an excellent education is acceptable.

What has really struck me is this: I need to be a great teacher. Students must be responsible for their own education because true learning does not take place unless the student is actively pursuing it. Regurgitation happens, yes. But true learning is realized when we take knowledge and make it ours. My lofty job as a teacher is to inspire the student to want to engage in that pursuit. This, I believe, will come with much patience and biblical training. Learning, after all, being at times painful, requires self-discipline. This is the high-calling of the teacher and shepherd: to lead our students to a life of self-discipline that they may be prepared to fulfill God's will for their lives-whatever that may be.

Now to think on how to practically work that out with my students. It surely will take much prayer!

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